
A CUDA-accelerated SPH Fluid Simulator

View the Project on GitHub CTKnight/FluidSimulator

CS 284A: Computer Graphics and Imaging, Spring 2020

Final Project: Position Based Fluid Simulation and Surface Rendering


Team Member


CS284A Final Report pdf

Final Video


GitHub Repo


In the course, we learned how to make a simulation of cloth using the mass and spring-based system with some physical constraints and numerical integration. In this final project, we extend our knowledge to make the simulation of another popular topic-fluid. We want to know how the liquid particles work with each other with some physical constraints to create the liquid effect. We used the Position Based Fluids algorithm to simulate the liquid. In addition, we implemented the novel CUDA accelerator to simulate millions of particles in seconds and real-time 60 fps simulation for thousands of particles. At last, we applied the marching cube algorithm to reconstruct the surface meshes of the liquid and rendered the images and videos with Paraview to create realistic liquid effects for particles.

Technical Approaches

We explained our technical approaches in detail in our final report. You can find the link above in the “Links” section above.


For our results, here are some rendered images for our liquid surfaces:

Dam break

A dam break scenario

Another dam break

Another dam break scenario

1 million particle

A frame of simulating 1 millison particles

Dam break gif

A gif of Dam break

Final remarks

You can consult PROPOSAL.md, MILESTONE.md and BUILDING.md in our repo for more information. Thank you, and hope you like our project!